The bad grammar infection

>In 1983
>someone makes typo
>he makes more typos
>more people are making typos
>i dont care
>but hten they start making all of their stuff typos
>i see one person trying to run, but hes consumed as well
>oh no
>i have to get out before they get me
>theyre messaging me
>thats their prime means of infections
>Oh no they caught up to me
>get away from me trolls ill use my bancannon
>ok thats it for them now
>time to take shelter in my website
>oh no its FULL of them
>my bancannon is out of ammo
>i see one person wit shotgun in private server shooting them but when a hacker troll comes in and he infects him with the bad grammar virus adn he comes at me to message me but then i falcon pawnch him in his face
>noo my webstie
>i have to nuke it..
>site deleted
>oh no they bit me
>whats happenin to meee
>OMG ts tiem to mesag everyuwn yey!
> o yea 

''UR NEXT!!11111!!''

>i get shot by a survivor